
My Story

Since I was a child, I have been a creative person who gets involved in community work. I’ve made tons of zines, performed in several bands, created art for campy DIY theater companies, and performed solo as a poet. I have been part of collectives, organized nonviolent protests, coordinated city-wide arts events, co-founded a community art center, and pedaled around town with a bicycle-powered book mobile.

I’ve seen these things flourish, and I’ve had my heart broken by losses. The accumulation of these experiences lead me to question how I could use my strong desire to be a helper in society in a more effective and holistic way.  This question lead me to the Masters of Social Work program at the University of Montana, where I obtained my MSW in 2015. My learning did not stop there, though. I continue to study, read, question, converse, create, struggle, and have my mind changed and heart transformed. And even with all those experiences I still find it hard to use my voice sometimes. With the world being as it is…there are always a lot of difficult things going on out there. So that is why the name of my practice is about voices, and creative survival.

My Practice 

As a licensed psychotherapist, I see each person as an individual, who is also part of the greater world. I know that some of our mental health challenges are about the cultural messages we internalize, the privileges we do and do not have.  And, our life stressors have been magnified by the pandemic, climate change, oppression, and wars.  How do we manage our day to day, while grappling with these world problems? To start, it helps having a place to talk, where all this complexity can be acknowledged and explored. 

Licensure and transparency

(Voices Counseling is a part of Debby Florence, LLC. My full legal name is Deborah Florence Rubin, LCSW. My nickname is Debin. YES ITS A LOT OF NAMES! I am just out here doing my best, lol.  I am licensed in Montana, Washington, and Idaho).

Certifications and trainings (links bring you to more info and details)

Some stuff I’ve done in the past that informs my practice:
