Creative Survival for Therapists - Registration

Welcome! This group is for mental health professionals, both licensed and pre-licensed are welcome. 

This group is a learning environment where we can explore how these concerns intersect with clinical and ethical frameworks. Similar to the Creative Survival group for the general public, we may use movement, art, writing, and literature to explore these themes.  But we can also apply these experiences to our appraoches in our feild, and support each other's learning as professionals. Read more about this group here. 

To register, please read all the info below and then fill out the interest form, including any questions you may have. I will reach out to you within a week, to set up a time for a call over zoom.

Date and Time: Every other Thursday at 7:30pm.  Start date to be announced when there are enough people. I am aiming for mid Feb or early March. Minimum group size is 4, maximum group size is 8. I am open to making this a monthly group so please note if you are interested in this on the form.

Content warning:  Some topics may be intense, and this setting might not be the best fit for everyone. That is why I will do a screening process. Your questions are welcome about this process.

Accessibility:  The current group is located in a yoga studio that is not wheelchair accessible, unfortunately. We will also be sitting/sprawling/encouraged to get comfortable on the floor, bolsters, and yoga mats. I can also provide a couple chairs if needed. We will be using simple art supplies and writing tools using a hard surface like a book for a table.

Zoom (telehealth) / covid cautious versions of groups are also forming, so please fill out the interest form below and I will reach out to you about that too if you are looking for that.

Covid and other respiratory illnesses: I have chronic health issues and disabilities, so if you have any symptoms of illness I strongly encourage that you please stay home, or if you are recovering and have symptoms but are covid negative, let me know so that I may choose to mask as well. This may be important for other group members to be able to participate as well. I will have a HEPA air purifier in the studio, and may occasionally mask. Thank you!

If I cancel a session, I will provide a video to you to watch at home.

Please fill out the below form to express interest in joining. (Payment/health insurance not needed until after you complete screening process). You will be contacted within one business week.